Why Your Businesses Needs CRM Software

The main function of CRM systems is to help a company’s sales team to optimize interactions with customers, achieving improvements in conversion and loyalty.

To do this, most CRM tools fulfill the following functions:

  • Store prospect and customer data and centralize this information. This includes data on the customer’s past interactions with the company or the phase of the customer journey they are in, clearly presenting sales opportunities.
  • Optimize the teams to know the customer and improve the sales process.
  • Some systems allow you to make calls from the software itself or schedule meetings. In the cases of CRM marketing, it also includes the automation of sending emails to prospects, in addition to generating information about their profiles on social networks.
  • Observe the flow of customers and prospects on a single screen, obtaining a complete view of where the company is with respect to its customers.

These functionalities help sales teams to multiply their productivity, in addition to managing sales and marketing campaigns automatically.

Including a CRM is also an essential point to achieve omnichannel personalization in customer service, at a time when consumers are demanding it the most. Complementing your CRM with a sales enablement program is a surefire way to capitalize your omnichannel personalization efforts and help you break revenue records in 2022.

6 Criteria For Choosing The Right CRM

Finding the CRM program that your company needs is essential to take advantage of all the possibilities of these systems. We propose some criteria to choose the most suitable one:

1. Define Your Goals When Implementing CRM

The first step is to analyze what objectives you seek to meet when implementing CRM customer relationship management.

It is at this time when you should ask yourself what data you need the CRM to help you manage, or what budget you have to install the system.

It is also the time to analyze your sales process: the cycle that your customers follow and where you think it can improve.

Comparing your objectives and possibilities with the characteristics of the software on the market, it is possible that you will find the best candidates quickly.

2. Count On Your Teams And Their Opinion

75% of all CRM implementation projects fail due to lack of involvement and adoption of the people involved. To avoid this scenario, make sure you have the opinion of those who will be using the software, and ensure that they receive the necessary training to use it and realize its potential.

3. Take Into Account Compatibility

Before making the decision, confirm that the chosen CRM can be installed on the equipment your company already has, or if you are in a position to make an extra investment in this regard. Among other criteria, look at whether you can access the system from laptops or smartphones.

Also, if you want to integrate other tools with the CRM (for example, a marketing software), take into account if you can do it by following the compatibility of the CRM program you choose.

4. Consider Storage Capacity And Scalability

Most CRM systems allow you to store a certain amount of customer data according to different plans and prices. Choose the right CRM for the size of your current business, but try to see if it also offers scalability, so you don’t have to switch tools when your business grows.

5. Choose A Program That Generates Reports

The right CRM can become an ally to generate business intelligence (Business Intelligence), optimize processes and multiply your results.

For this, it is necessary that the software not only collect information from your customers, but also translate it into reports from which to draw conclusions.

What’s more, the most advanced CRM tools will allow you to generate a predictive analysis, being able to anticipate the processes based on the trends detected by the software.

6. Measure The Results

Once the program is implemented, monitor the results it is giving and compare them with the objectives you set at the beginning. In this way, you will be able to detect the processes that do not work, implementing continuous improvement.

At Creatio we help businesses improve the user experience through digital tools, transforming their customer service and taking it into the 21st century. Get in touch with us and let’s talk about how we can help you.

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Nathaniel Villa
Nathaniel Villa
Articles: 1771