Basically, the Spotify error code 3 occurs when the users try to open their Spotify account and it prevents you from login to your account.
There are numerous people across the globe who used Spotify so this is a very problematic situation for them.
This problem is often related to the password issue. You can fix this issue just by resetting the password of your account.
Apart from that, some users have also reported that they are able to fix this issue simply by using their Spotify username in place of the email or vice versa.
Moreover, if any VPN tool is running on your device, then this may also lead you in this situation.
Therefore, after knowing the specific reasons behind the issue, you should solve the issue as soon as possible otherwise you cannot access your Spotify account.
Efficient Solutions for Troubleshooting Spotify Error Code 3:
Are you seeking to resolve Spotify error code 3? Then you have arrived at the right place. Here we are going to provide you some important techniques in order to eliminate the error code with ease.
Before going to the solutions section, let’s have a look at how the error code appears on the system screen.
This is a quite complicated error when compared to the rest of the issues that appear on the Spotify. The error code 3 might appear with an error message which says “Username is incorrect” or “Password is incorrect”.
When you look at the error message, you are wondering what the situation is not complicated. But in reality, it is more complicated what is says.
Therefore, to bring you back from this situation, we have listed some important methods that will help you to resolve the issue and make the situation a normal one.
Method 1: Reset the Spotify Password
We have known that the error code mainly appears when you enter a wrong password. That is why you need to reset the password in order to fix the issue.
Step 1
First of all, you have to visit the official login page of the Spotify. After that, click on the Sign-in button which is present at the top-right corner of the system screen. Now, type the register email address that you use for Spotify. To move further, click on the Next button.
Step 2
Now, when you have moved to the next page, search for the “Forgot Password” option or “Reset Password” option and then click on it.
Step 3
Thereafter, from the “Recover your password” screen, enter the same email address that you have used to login to Spotify account. Then you should enter the captcha in the corresponding field. Once you have done all this process, click on the Next button.
Step 4
Now, you will receive a link on your register email address. Open the link, and you will get a security code.
Copy the security code and enter the code on the appropriate verification box on the Spotify verification screen. Now, you are allowed to modify the password for the Spotify account.
Step 5
At last, follow the on-screen instructions by entering the appropriate details to complete the process.
When you have performed the above steps successfully, log in to your Spotify account by entering the password that you have reset by applying these steps.
Method 2: Find the Right Username
Sometimes, you had trouble logging in to your account on your smartphone or any other devices. Under such circumstances, you need to go through the steps by entering the right username to log in to your account.
Step 1
At first, move to the official website of Spotify and open the Spotify account from the device in which you have already been using it.
Step 2
Now, move to the Account section and from the Home screen of your account, copy the right username and then transfer it to the device that you are logging in from.
After completing the above steps properly, check whether the error code still persists or not.
Method 3: Reset the Password through the Spotify PC Application
There is another router to fix the Spotify login error code 3. Hence, follow the guidelines mentioned in the section below.
Step 1
First of all, open the Spotify application on your PC. After that, move to the Account section and then navigate to the My Account section. Here, you need to make the necessary changes.
Step 2
When the web pages load completely, move to the Edit Profile option. In the section, you can change the password and fix the error code by resetting the password.
Method 4: Uninstall the VPN Tool
If the above-mentioned methods are not able to fix the issue, then you need to uninstall the VPN tool. If you do not know how to do it, then go through the steps mentioned in the section below.
Step 1
At the beginning of the process, press the Start button and move to the Control Panel section. After that, choose the Programs and Features section and open it.
Step 2
From the Programs and Features, you need to find out the VPN tool that you are using currently. Now, right-click on the VPN tool and select the Uninstall option from the list.
Step 3
A confirmation box will pop up on the system screen, click on OK to proceed further. When the uninstallation process gets completed, you need to move to the File Explorer section and locate the VPN folder. Delete everything related to the VPN tool.
Lastly, restart the system and open your Spotify account by entering the username and password and check whether the problem gets solved or not.
Conclusion Part
All the steps that are mentioned in the above section are helpful for most of the users and they get an effective result for solving Spotify error code 3.
Hopefully, you will also get benefit after applying these solutions. That’s all, folks! We assure you that we will keep the road running with more tech-related tips and solutions.