How To Resolve iTunes Error -1 : Get Easy Solutions

Sometimes, we receive an error notification when we try to sync, restore, update or backup something on our device. This happens if the security software creates a problem in the device.

Due to such problem the device which you are using the iTunes won’t sync, restore, backup or update. Also due to this iTunes application might not open or you will not be able to open the iTunes store and download any music from it. So in this article, we are going to discuss how we can fix the iTunes error code on our Apple device.

Methods To Fix iTunes Error -1

  1. Check whether the date, time and time zone of the device is properly configured. If the date, time and timezone of the computer is not correct then change it.
  2. Also, you can try by logging in with the administrator account. Sometimes if we login to our device with the guest account then iTunes error -1 will be generated our device.
  3. Ensure, whether you have the latest version of iTunes on your computer. If you do not have the latest version of iTunes then update it from Apple store, to resolve the error code.
  4. Update your computer. If your computer is not up to date then the iTunes error -1 code is generated on our computer. So to resolve the error code just update your computer.
  5. Also by updating the antivirus, you can resolve the issue.

After following the above-mentioned checks, if the problem is not sorted then you can follow these procedures to fix the problem on your device.

  1. Check your security software.
  2. Verify the firewall installed on the computer.

Check Security Software

Sometimes we need to delete the security software temporarily to resolve the issue. Some antivirus software might block the iTunes software. So, in that case, we need to delete it from our computer.

Verify the Firewall Of Your Computer

If you are using a Windows computer then you can verify your firewall in this way to ensure that it is blocking the computer:

  1. Press the Windows logo key.
  2. Then type in the box beside the magnifying glass symbol ‘frewall.cpl’and press enter.
  3. Then select ‘firewall.cpl’ from the list of options. Now you can see the firewall is opening on the computer screen.
  4. Next select ‘Allow an app feature through Windows Firewall’.
  5. Then select the option ‘change settings’.
  6. Ensure that iTunes is chosen for both the public and private network.
  7. If iTunes is not in the list then select ‘Allow another app’ or ‘allow another program’ to resolve the error code.
  8. Then browse and select the iTunes which is in ‘C:\Program Files\iTunes\’ and disable the firewall.

Updating The iTunes To The Latest Version

Also, if the iTunes in your device is not updated then the iTunes error -1 is generated on your computer. Therefore, you can update it on your device to fix the issue in this way:

  1. Press the ‘Windows’ logo key and the letter ‘I’ from your keyboard.
  2. In the ‘Settings’ window select ‘Updates from the list of options.
  3. Then a Windows Update dialog box opens on your computer. Select the option ‘Install Updates’ to install the updates.

Along with all other updates, the updates for iTunes will be also downloaded.

So, in this way, you can resolve the error iTunes error -1 on your device. We believe this would help you resolve the error code.

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Nathaniel Villa
Nathaniel Villa
Articles: 1771