If you are thinking of integrating CRM into your company, if you are wondering what terms make up the price for implementation, if you are tormented by the question of why partners’ prices differ so much, then this article is for you. Answers to these and other “hot” questions for everyone who wants to optimize their business processes and increase profits using CRM and what are the low cost crm solutions.
What is the value of CRM?
Everything that has a price must have value. This is to the question that the implementation of CRM is not a cheap pleasure. Here, for a business owner who knows how to count money, it is completely normal and natural to ask the question: “Is it worth the candle?”
We will not make categorical statements – after all, no one knows the specifics of your business better than you – but we will evaluate their work in facts, and you will be able to determine the value of the product for yourself. In any case, everyone has their own vision of what is acceptable and expensive.
When setting priorities, we all determine a number of things on which it is absolutely impossible to economize. If we consider the price through the prism of adherence to principles, then we can safely say that there is a risk of losing money both in the case of the introduction of the system, and in the case of refusal from it.
CRM potential assessment criteria
Each valuable product must have evaluation criteria by which it can be determined that it meets the standards. And the CRM system is no exception. If we consider CRM without reference to the implementers and the specifics of the business, then conditionally three main criteria can be distinguished.
- Possibility of revision
If CRM does not imply the possibility of updating and improving for specific business processes, then the value of such a system in terms of functionality is not more expensive than an excel tab. Not all CRMs respond equally well to revision: if the program code of the system is of high quality, then there will be no failures and distortions of functionality after revision. But evaluating the quality of the code is already the responsibility of the integrator and not your headache: when integrating CRM into a business, you do not have to delve into all the technical details.
- Maximum load on the system
Be sure to indicate to the integrator’s analyst the amount of information that you plan to pass through the system: the number of transactions, the volume of the client base, etc. If the CRM does not meet the permissible load, it is useless, like shoes three sizes smaller: good, but not suitable for you.
- Terms of implementation
On average, CRM implementation takes 3 months. There are more than a dozen factors behind this figure: the duration depends on the number of employees and departments that will work in the system, and on the complexity of business processes, on the size of the customer’s infrastructure, on the client’s presence of the described regulations and on many other conditions. Stretching the deadlines is not beneficial to anyone, but if you need everything, right away and even yesterday, then you should indicate your position to the integrator. If resources are available, it will speed up the process by attracting a larger pool of specialists. This, of course, will cost you more.
So, these are the first three questions that you should definitely ask the crm for startups integrator. If you are satisfied with the answers to them, then you can safely continue the conversation.