5 features to Look for while Buying an LMS for Employee Training

Learning management systems (LMS) delivers learning resources and helps in professional growth inside your company. These, very important systems can be pretty complicated as well. Thus It becomes hard to tell if some feature of the LMS is going to be useful for your business training needs or if it is going to cause damage by distracting the learner and hampering the learning process. So to actually be able to buy the ideal LMS for Employee Training for your business is to find the ultimate system that exactly fulfills your training requirements. And, the best way to do so is to actually understand your own requirements and make a list of the learning goals that you want to achieve through the LMS. Even before evaluating LMS systems and comparing them onsite, it is advisable to list out the company’s learning strategies and objectives.

After the list is ready and you are clear about what exactly you need from your LMS, compare the learning management systems that are particularly employee training software. However, even after your business’s very specific set of criteria and requirements, there are some LMS features that are absolutely important for any training program. Here are X such features to notice while buying an LMS for enhanced and more effective employee training.

Course creation and authoring tools

You may be surprised to know that not all LMSs offer course creation options and authoring tools even though it might look like a very basic feature. So such learning management systems can be more demanding when it comes to the content that goes on it. You might be required to create your own content in whatever format you want on some other platform to finally import the material to the learning management system at the end. This process is not actually a bad practice but can be time and effort consuming. So, to save a lot of time and make things flow more effortlessly, it is important to find an LMS that offers you the in-system course creation and authoring tools using which you can directly make your content in the learning management system.

Progress tracking

For virtually every type of learner, skill and certification tracking is one of the most significant LMS elements. It’s great to educate your staff, but if you’re not monitoring effectiveness and skill growth certifications—or, at the barest minimum, course completion—you’ll have no foundation for assessing performance and progress. These capabilities can help you comply with regulatory requirements by combining all of your completed and awaiting certifications into an one exportable sheet. You may also reflect on employee development by tracking skills gained and certifications achieved, demonstrating an instantaneous return on your investment.

Mobile responsiveness

It’s shocking to find how some people don’t have access to a computer at home, but mobile responsive learning can help them avoid this trap. Learners may engage in learning from any place using any mobile device they possess if your LMS has mobile capabilities, such as responsive course design or native mobile applications. This is particularly useful for certifications that demand studying outside of working hours, or for remote teams where the learning process may take place in between call discussion or meetings.

Video conferencing tools

Learners who require individual attention or those who have complex queries can benefit from an LMS with virtual meeting capabilities. While emailing and message boards may meet the majority of your communication requirements, video conferencing allows you to conduct tough talks.  Your organisation will enjoy the fact that you won’t have to spend on an external subscription or membership to connect with your learners by being right in front of them, albeit virtually.

Gamification Tools

Gamification has been proven one of the most effective tools when it comes to adult education. In principle, training your staff just for the sake of it might look like a fantastic notion, but in practice, you will undoubtedly feel the need to incentivize the training process. Learning may be turned into a pleasant contest with the use of gamification features of your LMS. While introducing gaming elements to your training and educational programs may still not make your material and subject matter more engaging, it will make the learners interested, accelerate them through the courses, and boost adherence.


Building your courses and employee training programs require time and effort, but there are numerous tools available to assist you. Ensure that the system you are picking includes every one of the LMS capabilities you’ll need to create and sustain your program, as well as the ability to allow your staff to help themselves learn and grow.

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Nathaniel Villa
Nathaniel Villa
Articles: 1771